Few types of jewelry are as personal as a charm bracelet. These classic bracelets can be completely customized by the wearer, with each individual charm reflecting an aspect of their tastes and personality.
In the end, the bracelet that is created is a one-of-a-kind piece that captures and displays the wearer's hobbies, interests, hopes, and dreams in a way that is both beautiful and functional. There are a number of different types of charm bracelets for women on the market, each with their own unique look. The following section looks at some of the most popular styles of these traditional bracelets:
Link Charm Bracelets
Perhaps the most classic and well-known style of charm bracelet, link bracelets are designed to be used with clip-on charms. Typically, the charms are made from metal or glass and have a lobster-claw or spring-ring clasp attached to one end. The clasp is placed around one of the links in the bracelet, allowing the charm to dangle down against the wearer's wrist.
Link charms come in just about every style, shape and color imaginable. Some of the most popular shapes include hearts, stars, and feathers. Other common charms include crescent moons, flat discs with engraved words, crosses, beads, or animals. However, there truly are charms available to match just about every hobby or interest out there, making it easy for the wearer to customize one of these bracelets to their needs.
Snake Charm Bracelets
Snake bracelets with bead charms have been enjoying a recent surge in popularity. These bracelets are made from a cord-like metal chain that is evenly sized the entire way around. The charms for these bracelets are designed like beads with a large hole through the middle.
To customize one of these bracelets, the wearer purchases whichever beads they like and strings them onto the chain. Some of these charms are designed like traditional beads while others have smaller dangling charms attached to the main bead.
Italian Charm Bracelets
Italian charm bracelets are quite a bit different than traditional charm bracelets. Rather than having charms that dangle from the bracelet, they are made up of a series of flat links. The overall look is similar to that of a metal watch band.
Each link in the bracelet is an individual charm. The wearer snaps the links (a.k.a. charms) together until the bracelet is long enough to reach around their wrist. Changing out the charms is simply a matter of snapping the links apart and replacing one of the existing charms with a new one. These bracelets tend to be easier to wear than either link or snake charm bracelets, simply for the fact that they stay close to the wrist and don't have any dangling pieces that can get stuck on clothing.
With so many different types of charm bracelets for women available, the hardest part is deciding which one to buy. In the end, what really matters is that the wearer can completely customize their bracelet by purchasing individual charms that reflect their hobbies, interests, and personal tastes.